Tanks have the hardest job in Mythic Plus because they are the ones to initiate fights and guide the party through the dungeon. If you’re not a tank, this will be some of the things to look for in a good tank. If you are the tank, then I’ll go over some of the most important things for you to look out for. The tank will likely be the de facto team leader, and the one who sets the pace of the dungeon. Tanks are perhaps the most crucial part of your dungeon-pushing dreams. (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment) How to be a good tank There's also the Great Vault, which you can open once per week for even better gear if you run Mythic Plus dungeons enough times. Doing so before the timer runs out will earn you powerful gear that scales depending on what Mythic Plus level the dungeon is. Mythic Plus dungeons are timed and in order to beat one you must also kill a certain number of regular monsters in addition to the dungeon bosses.
Many of them require specific strategies to survive. Some make monsters explode on death, while others increase the heath of boss monsters.
At certain levels, Mythic Plus dungeons add special modifiers called affixes that give enemies new abilities. Only one person needs a Keystone to start a Mythic Plus dungeon, so you can just join other groups (or form a group to try and complete your own) and play using other people's keystones. This Keystone opens a single Mythic Plus dungeon at a specific level, and completing that dungeon will transform the Keystone into a different one while also increasing the level. To enter a Mythic Plus dungeon, you need a Mythic Keystone (which are earned from regular Mythic dungeons). Dungeons start at +2 and scales infinitely, increasing monster health and damage. Mythic Plus is a kind of scaling difficulty mode that offers better rewards the harder they are.